英语情景对话的答题技巧 三人英语购物情景对话每人15句?

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Woman:Can I help you?
Mary:Yes ,please ,I need a sweater for school.
Woman:Okay what color do you want?
Woman:How about this one?
Mary:It looks nice ,how much is it?
Woman:Nine dollars。
Mary:I#39ll take it,How much are those yellow socks?
Woman:Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.
Mary:Great ,I will take two pairs.
Woman:Here you are.
Mary:Thank you.
Woman:You are welcome.


What is your name?My name is Wang Peng.What#39s your name? l am Wang old are you? l am to meet to meet you,too.


A: Mary, this is Joes brother David.
B; Im very glad to meet you.
C: Its a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far
C: Its really different from what I expected.
B: Dont worry. Youll get used to it in no time.


Jack:hello,where are you from?
Alice: I came from to meet you.
Jack: how about you? Lili.
Lili: I came from China,I like New York City very much.