如何用word制作板书 电脑怎么板书设计?

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10分钟突破英语教师资格证考试(史上最难)语音课(内附重要模版资料)?之前发的阅读课和语音课,受到了广大网友的好评,这次为大家推出谈虎色变,闻之破胆的语音课的模版和设计思路。其实这种课型套路很多,也很简单。全是本人码字原创,花了整整一下午的时光。喜欢的朋友,请“关注”和“点赞”哦!教师资格证考试中,最难的课型是什么?那一定是大家都谈虎色变,闻之破胆的语音课,而且这种课型抽到的几率还是非常大的,曾今有很多考生就败在了语音课的石榴裙下。那么这种课是不是最难的呢?其实不难,套路很多,敲黑板划重点啊。1.抽到题后,一定要先看清楚“要求”。要弄清楚这节课的课型是什么?很明显,讲解重音,那一定是语音课。其次还有朗读一遍,这里老师一定要朗读文章,要不然是要扣分的。其次,还有适当板书和英文授课,大家一定要注意。2.整堂语音课的模式是什么呢?1.Warming-up,2.3P(Presentation, Practice, Production),, 这个似乎很复杂,其实很简单。其中Warming-up热身环节和SummaryampHomework,都是固定的语言,95%的都可以提前背诵准备好。接下来我们讲3P模式怎么处理?3.3P即知识性课型的模式。1P:Presentation知识呈现,2P:Practice知识操练,3P:Production能力产出;这个3P该怎么操作呢?我自己编制了7字诀来帮助大家:分别是“读(read)—找(find)—观(observe)—归(generalize)—教(teach)—练(practice)—展(use)”。按照这个来实施,那么知识型课型,会变得非常简单。接下来我们就结合这个考试题旨来给大家详细分析一下,以及给大家提供一篇经典的范稿,可以直接背诵。题旨呈现:这是去年非常多考生考过,但很多人讲的不够好的一个题旨。(下面是精编的语音课模版,喜欢的复制粘贴后,“关注”,点赞和留言哦!)
Good morning, my dear examiners. I am the Examinee No.4. Today it is my honor to stand here to share this class with you. Today my topic is word stress. Can I begin my class now? Thank you! (鞠躬)
I. Warming-up,热身环节导入。这里最好用的方法,是watch a movie或者看图片。然后让学生找到其中一个非常有名的句子。 “Constantly talking is not a perfect method to communicate.(这里边包含了单音节,双音节词和三音节词)”。 然后让学生读这个句子,然后找出读的最好的同学。问同学们为什么他读的最好呢?原因是他在读的时候注意了语音词汇重读现象。因此,这节课我们一起来学习语音词汇重读。
Good morning, boys and girls. How are you, today? Fine, good, I’m fine, too. Before having this class, I will let you watch a short movie. It is a very famous movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in 2004 performed by Jim Carrey. After you watch the movie, some students will be chosen to tell us which sentence in the movie impresses you most. Now, let’s watch it. Who can tell me your idea? Cindy, please. Really good answer. Sit down, please. Cindy just told us it is “Constantly talking is not a perfect method to communicate.” Who can read this sentence for us again? Cathy, please. Good, job. Sit down, please. Now boys and girls, can you tell me who reads better? Yes, Cathy does a better job. Do you know why she can reads better? Yes, she reads the words with stress. Therefore, this class, we will learn more stress rules to help you speak English better.(板书Word Stress在黑板正上方)
II. Presentation(最重要,但最难),呈现语音知识环节。这里分为induction(归纳法呈现)和deduction(演绎法呈现),但是为了体现学生自主学习的环节,我们推荐使用induction法. 这里我将用“读-找-观-归-教”这几个思路,来进行给大家讲解。 读:读题旨上的文章(要求中提出要老师读,老师要认真语音好听的读3句话就够了,以免时间不够,然后再让学生读);找什么:找题旨中含有语音重读的词(比如说:单音节:born,team,range;双音节:London, England, hobbies 三音节词:interested, diplomat 三音节以上词:especially,developing); 观:观察这些词之间有什么相同点和不同点。归:让学生来归纳这些词的发音规则。教:老师针对较难发现的点,给学生进行教学和总结。
Now, I will read this passage for you first and then you should read it yourselves, Okay? Now, please listen carefully. (老师只需要读2-3句话即可,这个地方考官想听老师的语音语调) Now, you should read(读) this passage yourselves loudly. And then please work in groups and find(找) out the words with odd-syllable, di-syllable, tri-syllable, and multi-syllable. I will give you five minutes to finish it. Later some students will chosen to stand up to have a sharing. Now let’s do it. Now stop here. Who wants to be the volunteer? Judy, please. Fantastic job! Judy just told us. The words with odd-syllable are born, range and team. The words with di-syllable are London, hobbies and interest. The words with Tri-syllable are interested, and diplomat. The words with multi-syllable are especially and developing.(老师板书,如下所示)
Now this time, I need you to observe(观) the words on the blackboard and find out the similarities and differences in stress. I will give you three minutes. And then you should tell me your generalization(归). Do it now. Now stop here. Gina, please. You have a very good pronunciation. Sit down please, Gina. Gina just told us “All the words with odd-syllable should be stressed at the first syllable.” Next one. Cinderella, please. Boys and girls, do you agree with her? Yes. Her answers are totally right. She just said “The words with di-syllable and tri-syllable should often be stressed at the first syllable.” At last, I will teach(教) you that the words with multi-syllable should often be stressed at the antepenultimate syllable. So, boys and girls. Can you understand? Really good.
III. Practice,操练所学语音知识环节。这里分为机械性操练(Mechanic drilling)和意义型操练(Meaningful Drilling)。 我建议这里仅设置两个操练活动,第一个是机械性操练的活动,第二个是意义型操练的活动。接下来给大家做一个示范。
(机械性操练,不需要进行脑力思考活动)After you have finished learning all the pronunciation rules of words stress. This time, we will do some activities to practice it. The first exercise, you should practice reading the words on the blackboard correctly and then I will choose some students to share. Now,let’s do it. Now, let’s stop here. David, please. You say these words out very correctly. Ivy, please. Your pronunciation impresses me. All you have done a really good job.
(意义型操练,需要进行思考而且答案没有唯一性的训练)Now you should work with your partners to think out more words with different syllables. Then some students will be chosen to stand up to have a sharing. Kate, please. Kate has very good ideas. She just said the words with odd syllable are beat, lead, sing and the words with di-syllable are China, Singer, bottle. Lily, please. Lily also has a very open thinking. Sit down, please. She just said the words with tri-syllable are natural, favorite, colorful and the words with multi-syllable are democracy, anniversary.
IV. Production, 综合语言交际活动,语言产出环节。在这里需要将学生所有所学的语言知识进行在真实的综合交际情境中,进行使用。这里老师的话术可以按照:主(题)-(分)组-形(式)-时(间)-(分)享。
Boys and girls, (主)now please look at the blackboard and there is another new passage on it. You should read the passage with correct pronunciation. (组)I will divide you into six groups and (形)you should work with your group members. (时)I will give you five minutes and (享)then some students will be chosen to have a sharing. Now let’s do it. Now stop here. Who can share us your performance? Jack, please. Wonderful performance. Sit down, please. Rose, please. Beautiful pronunciation. Sit down, please.
V. Summary and Homework, 总结和课后作业环节。这里95%的语言都是固定的套路,背诵一个其他的直接往进套就好。总结部分:可以请一个学生总结,让其他学生做补充。如果时间不够,直接老师带领学生进行总结就好了。作业部分,要多布置口语的任务,尽量少布置写的作业。
Time runs so fast. We come to the end of this class. I will lead you to have a conclusion of the whole class. This class we have learned the phonetic phenomenon of words’ stress. We also practiced it and learned how to use it into the real exercise and the communicative language activities.
Now I will give you the homework. You should search more interesting English articles on the internet and then try to use the words’ stress to read them. Next class, some students will be chosen to have a sharing.
Goodbye, everyone. See you next class.(鞠躬)