尽力做某事用英语怎么写 make effort还是take effort?

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make effort还是take effort?

effort还是take effort?

make an effort to 努力做某事1、主体不同1)、make effort: 尽力; 努力;作出努力; 强调主观上付出努力,相当于try ones best to do。2、用法不同 1)、make an effort十to do sth.是固定搭配用法,2)、take effort十to do sth.此结构effort前可加some,zero等,不接an effort的词组:


try ones best to do sth - 尽力做某事,同义句:try ones utmost to do sthtry to do sth - 试着做某事 同义句:attempt to do sth不明白可继续提问,希望回答对您有帮助。

用make an effort to do sth造句?

make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事
如: He is making an effect to help the homeless children.他正努力地帮助无家可归的孩子
  1. make an effort (to do sth.)意为“尽力做某事,勉为其难做某事”。
  Even though yon dont like them, you should make an effort to be polite. 你即使不喜欢他们,也应该尽力礼貌一些。
  2. make every effort意为“尽一切努力”。
  Every effort is being made to deal with that problem. 为处理那个问题,人们正尽一切努力。
  3. be an effort意为“费力,痛苦”。
  He was so weak that even standing up was an effort. 他太虚弱了,就连站起来都很吃力。


尽力:try to do sth 尝试:try doing sth。   尽力去做某事   
a great effort to do sth   
2.spare no effort(s) to do/in doing sth
3.take great pains to do/in doing sth.
4.spare no pains to do sth   没有:spare no pains in doing sth
5.go all out to do sth
6.take the trouble to do sth
7.go to the trouble of doing sth.
every means to do sth
9.lose no time in doing sth. 不失时机地做某事   
one`s utmost in doing sth   E.g. We therefore believe that Party organizations at all levels will spare no effort in carrying out these tasks. 因此,我们相信,各级党组织一定不会在执行这些任务的时候,吝惜自己的精力。   比较: Be at pains to do sth. 苦心经营;辛苦地做